Happy Skingiving ... What Are You Thankful For
Today’s blog will be a little different than the norm. I wanted to reflect on what I’m thankful for as we embark on this week of THANKS.
I think we all can agree that we’re thankful for something seeing as though we’re surviving and navigating through a worldwide pandemic. No matter how big or small we ALL have SOMETHING to be thankful for.
My thanks this year isn’t narrowed down to one topic because this year has been something out of a movie and if you’ve managed to just keep your head above water that’s more than enough.
Love and prayers to any one of you if you lost someone you love, rather it be to COVID or what have you. Find your own peace, comfort, and understanding however you see fit to cope. I’m thankful for my family, and all we’ve endured this year and how we managed to find our strength. Your superpower will manifest itself at the most trying times and when you least expect it. Life handed us lemons and we had to figure out how to make lemonade. And I’m thankful for all the lemons.
I’m thankful for mental strength during a crisis. This entire year has taken its toll on a lot of us and I’m thankful for calm during a storm. Lots of alone time with prayer and meditation has helped me to keep my cool and not let what’s going on around me affect my peace. Things will be what they will be no matter how we respond to it. If you don’t do anything else the remainder of this year, find your peace.
I’m thankful for betting on and believing in me! One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. When you’re doing you, you cannot I repeat you cannot get distracted by the opinions of others. It’s their opinion and not yours! What I feel I can do and what I believe about me is what led me to create my own skincare products. Self-doubt is suicide to goals and dreams! I’m thankful for my growth and staying the course.
I’m especially thankful for all of you who have believed in me, personally congratulated me, encouraged me, shared my post, purchased my products, loved my products, or read my blogs. I sincerely thank you so much! I’m thankful that I get to go on this journey with all of you as my personal cheerleaders. NOIL BEAUTY wouldn’t exist without you, so again I thank each and every one of you wholeheartedly.
Make this year’s Thanksgiving extra special and thankful because there’s so much to appreciate, love, and be thankful for. Give Thanks!
Tamicka, Licensed Esthetician